
"I'm soo tired of waking up everyday feeling like I'm not enough. Not enough for my parents, my family, friends - not enough for myself. Why do I feel like this?"

We've known for thousands of years that happiness is central aim of our conscious experience. Despite miraculous advance that expands human lifespans and technology that makes living easier and better than ever in our human history -

it's gotten worse

We feel more disconnected, more prone to anxiety, and more likely to become depressed than prior generations despite living conditions that should provide otherwise.

Many point to social media impressing digital perfection on today's generation (especially beauty standards for women) as the primary culprit. While it is true that social media contributes to our struggles, we suspect that the root of our existential disease lies in a false belief that's been propagated for centuries to keep us seeking external validation - a LIE that's at the center of society - the narrative that "you are not enough."

we set out on a mission

to help people create happer lives by LIVING IN FLOW.

More philosophy and psychology than spirituality - a mindfulness community built on modern research, neuroscience, and FLOW. We exist as a community to help one another live in authentic expression and optimal experience. We curate life practice and research around FLOW - the ordering of inner and outer experience - or simply put "Authentically Aligned Action". Our approach is centered on the science of energy and consciousness (as best we understand it today).

We share what we've learned and have put to work in engineering our human expression. We cannot speak to creationism or existentialism - except that we believe it is each person's individual destiny to expand authentically in their conscious reality.

At the heart of everything around us is energy, the invisible yet powerful force that forms the building blocks of the universe. From the stars in the sky to the ground beneath our feet, every object, every creature, and every person is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies. This energy is what connects us all, shaping our reality and the world we live in.

This concept isn't just a philosophical idea; it's a fundamental principle of physics. Quantum mechanics shows us that at the subatomic level, particles are in constant motion, vibrating and exchanging energy. This means that on a very basic level, everything is not solid but a dance of energy particles moving in space.

Understanding that everything is made of energy changes how we see the world and ourselves. It reminds us that we're not separate from the universe but a part of it, influencing and being influenced by the energy around us. This connection invites us to think about how we interact with the world.

time for truth

you are enough.

It begins by obliterating any false sense of unworthiness - the premise that we are less than and need to prove otherwise. YOU ARE ENOUGH. You are infinite and limitless. There is no need to justify your existence to anyone. This truth needs to be affirmed and re-affirmed daily with ourselves in a world that profits from convincing us otherwise.

More than this, we are convinced that we achieve harmony in our conscious experience by shifting reality (or paradigm) from a combative culture fighting for extrinsic validation to a oneness unified by intrinsic motivation and authenticity.

We deserve a new system of thinking that accounts rationally for the things we now know and are capable of - an integrated interpretation of what's been discovered about humankind and our destiny.

Happiness is our responsibility and opportunity - the choice of optimal experience in authentic action.